Adding Your Syllabus

Adding Your Syllabus

Editing the Syllabus Description

The description is where you can post your course description, a brief introduction, class guidelines, weekly reminders, and other important information. Follow the instructions below to embed your own Syllabus document. 


Course Summary

The course summary displays all published and unpublished assignments with their due dates in chronological order automatically. Students can only view the published assignments within a course. 

What is shown in the course summary depends on the assignments, quizzes, and discussions you've created within the course.

 You can choose to remove the course summary from your Syllabus page by deselecting the "show course summary" button below the rich content editor. 

Showing the check box for "show course summary" at the bottom of the Syllabus Edit page.


The sidebar displays a calendar with information about event or assignment dates as well as grading information such as assignment groups and weighted percentages of assignments. 

syllabus page example